Plumbline Blog

It's Time to Pray Again

I was slowly waking from a deep sleep. Enjoying that hazy moment when you slowly move from the dream world to waking reality. Suddenly, I heard...

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A Kairos Moment

I believe that we have entered a 'kairos' time. A time, or moment, that has been set apart by God for a specific purpose.  This can also be...

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God is Speaking to You


We want to encourage you today with this short (5 minute) excerpt from a powerful message by Dr Faisal  Malick about how Jesus leads His...

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It happened on New Year's Day

God challenged me on New Years day.

I had set aside time to be with Him, asking Him about 2022. I was praying for direction and talking to Him...

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Are You Ending 2021 Well?

I struggle with endings. It does not matter if it is the end of a relationship, a movie, an art project or a fitness schedule – I have always...

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The Blessing of the Seed

It’s the night before Christmas – children all over the world are expectantly waiting for Christmas morning to open their gifts. But...

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The Wonder of Christmas

Advent is one of my favorite times of the year - mostly because, here in South Africa,  it is the beginning of our long summer holiday. So...

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