I believe that we have entered a 'kairos' time. A time, or moment, that has been set apart by God for a specific purpose. This can also be called a ‘set’ time. Psalm 102:13 talks about such a set time:
You will arise and have mercy on Zion;
For the time to favor her,
Yes, the set time, has come.
As I inquired of the Lord about this ‘set’ time, He led me to the story in scripture where Jesus called Simon to be his disciple. The story is told in Luke 5:1–11.
Jesus comes to the lake where Simon and his partners had been fishing all night – and had caught nothing. He intentionally gets into Simon’s boat and proceeds to teach the crowd that was following Him. Let’s pick up the story in verse 4,
When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. (emphasis mine)
When Jesus intentionally presences Himself in a specific moment, everything changes! You just have to be able to discern the moment and who is speaking to you.
Simon and his friends had nothing to show for their hard work. They were likely tired, hungry and discouraged. But Jesus was doing something. He came to them. He chose Simon’s boat. And when He gave an instruction, Simon chose to be obedient. Even in his tiredness, Simon discerned a moment. He may not have known that Jesus was the Messiah yet, but he had discerned enough about Jesus to be obedient to His word. (Or at least partially obedient!) And it changed everything for him!
I believe that we are in such a moment.
Like Simon, you may have been toiling all night and catching nothing. These past 2 years may have been a dark time for you. A time where you worked hard, but saw very little or no fruit from your work. You may have been crying out to God for a long time, with no response or answer to your prayers. It might seem like you have been in darkness with no discernible light.
I want to tell you today, that I believe a new day is breaking. Jesus is stepping into our boat. He is drawing close to His church. And He is instructing us.
Launch out into the deep. Let down your nets for a catch.
For each person, that instruction looks different. Maybe He is telling you to start a new business, move house, make a movie, get a degree, or even start a family. Perhaps, He is opening the door to reconcile a relationship or start a new one. I do not know what it is, but it will require you to ‘launch out into the deep’. You will need the Holy Spirit to help you. And you will need to let down your net. You will need to use what is in your hand. It might stretch you, it will probably require some work, but oh, the change it will bring!
We are in a moment – a kairos time – where everything changes. His Word and our obedience to it will cause our lives to shift into a new dimension. There is a harvest coming and He is again making us fishers of men.
You might be tired. You might be discouraged. You may feel that what God is speaking to you makes no sense at all. But, I encourage you today, discern the moment, discern Who is speaking to you and choose to be obedient.
(If you would like to watch the full message preached at Covenant of Life church, you can do so here. Message starts at 50 minutes into video.)
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